Saturday, 2 June 2012

Day 7 - if you fail to prepare, then prepare to fail

I'm very conscious of the fact that I've got loads of work ahead of me.  And I really want to make sure I get as many things right as possible.  I don't want to get confused, or accidentally delete anything, or have the whole thing looking a mess.

With that in mind, I've spent some time today making sure I'm organised for the task ahead.  I've got a dedicated folder on my laptop that will contain everything.  And every person I'm writing about has their own folder within that folder, and each of their folders contains a separate sub-folder for each game they worked on (with the exception of musicians and magazine writers...).

A taster of some of the games you could be reading about...

I've currently got sixty folders... that's sixty people to write about.  That sounds a lot, but it's not, really!  Within those folders, there are over three hundred sub-folders.  So if I wrote one page on each, that would be the book.  I've already decided that one page per entry is too much though.  Still, the list of subjects will grow, and I suspect the final product will be pushing four hundred pages.  Hello, coffee table!

I can't believe I'm so organised... it's not normally one of my traits.  But it's pointless just meandering along taking pot luck as to what I decide to write about.  If I'm not organised, then the book will suffer.  I'm determined that won't happen... I want this book to be something we can all be proud of.

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