Monday, 2 July 2012

Day 36 - Minter fix

I haven't been in the house very much today.  I had to take my eldest child to a friend's birthday party, I had a lovely wedding anniversary meal, and I had some shopping to do.  In the time while I was at home, I was digging through my things for stuff to put on eBay.

I've got loads of clutter in the house and, much as I hate to part with anything, some of it just isn't getting used and is taking up space that could be used for other things.  Like a child's bed, for instance.  So it's important to prioritise and then get rid of the things that just aren't going to see any action.

While I was rummaging, though, I came across this:

What a mean old goat!
I remember when I bought this.  I was in WH Smith in Newcastle, and they had a clearance sale on.  I bought this and Scarabaeus for 99p each.  What a bargain!  I loved Batalyx so much that I barely even loaded Scarabaeus... and that's something I need to rectify in the near future, too.

Batalyx was really a game of mini-games... not the first time its programmer, Jeff Minter, had released such a game.  This one came together especially well, though, with each mini-game being very enjoyable in its own right, and the resultant sum of its parts being an off-the-wall classic.

It's a game I will naturally be writing more about in the course of this venture, and hopefully I'll be able to include a few words from Yak himself.  I would expect, given his output of the time, that his will be one of the larger sections in the book...

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